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Markets Transitioning from Imaging to Sensing: How Technology is Shaping the Consumer and Automotive Worlds
Time:2024-09-11 14:00-18:00
Site:5A, 2nd Floor, Hall 5, Shenzhen World

Yole Group        China International Optoelectronic Exposition (CIOE)

Yole Group is excited to partner with the China International Optoelectronic Expo (CIOE) to present a compelling forum on imaging technologies across various markets, from consumer electronics to automotive applications. Join us as our experts delve into the latest trends in imaging and sensing technologies, examining them from the wafer, device, and end system perspectives. Renowned industry players will share their insights, technology roadmaps, and strategies, providing a glimpse into the future of the imaging market.
Despite a global semiconductor downturn, the CMOS Image Sensor (CIS) market, accounting for 4% of semiconductor revenue, grew significantly in 2023, fueled by Automotive and Industrial sectors as smartphones stagnated. CIS innovations target smaller pixels, improved SNR, and lower power consumption, with companies like Sony, Omnivision, and STMicroelectronics exploring triple-stack sensors and sensitivity enhancements for low-light and 3D sensing, leading to a low-cost Short-Wave Infrared (SWIR) segment. Event-based imaging is gaining popularity for low latency and power efficiency. Despite consumer market stagnation, the camera module market, including lenses and assembly, is growing, driven by high-end products and sensing technology advancements, such as Apple's periscope cameras released in 2023.
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Experience the forefront of technological innovation at the CIOE & Yole Group photonics forum. Delve into a wold of groundbreaking developments in Imaging Technologies, microLEDs for AR, Photonics Compound Semiconductor. This is the best chance to engage with leading industry analysts and experts at our dynamic and interactive sessions. Be at the heart of progress - join us at the forum and shape the future of photonics technology!

Ticket Price:
1 forum: 195€ Standard Rate / 160€ Early Bird Rate
2 forums: 285€ Standard Rate / 240€ Early Bird Rate
3 forums: 415€ Standard Rate / 350€ Early Bird Rate

Don't wait any longer for the highest level international forums at CIOE.

If you are interested in attending this forum, SAVE THE DATE and enjoy EARLY BIRD PRICE now!

Contact: Ms. Cassie Wang
Email: cassie.wang@cioe.cn

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