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Global Perspectives on the Key Photonic Compound Semiconductor Technologies for Datacom
Time:2024-09-12 14:00-18:00
Site:5A, 2nd Floor, Hall 5, Shenzhen World

China International Optoelectronic Exposition (CIOE)          Yole Group

Yole Intelligence is thrilled to collaborate again with the China International Optoelectronic Expo (CIOE) for a forum on photonic compound semiconductor technologies at the 25th CIOE in Shenzhen, September 12, 2024. The event explores recent trends and applications in photonic compound semiconductor technologies, covering devices, epiwafers, and substrates. Industry players will present their key results, technology roadmaps, and strategies shaping the future of the datacom market.
Network traffic is surging due to cloud technologies, AI breakthroughs like OpenAI's ChatGPT and Google's Bard, and high-definition video-on-demand from platforms like YouTube and Netflix. The expanding reach of 5G networks also drives demand. Integrating generative AI into applications increases the need for computing power and data transfer capacity in data centers, raising concerns about energy efficiency and sustainability. The workshop highlights the demand for affordable, low-power compound semiconductor lasers and their substrates, emphasizing the importance of photonic integrated circuits, particularly silicon photonics. The industry is transitioning to 800G and beyond optical interconnects, reflected in datacom players' laser technology and substrate size roadmaps. The workshop will explore player strategies, upcoming technologies, roadmaps, and market forecasts in the optical communication industry's rapidly evolving landscape.
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Experience the forefront of technological innovation at the CIOE & Yole Group photonics forum. Delve into a wold of groundbreaking developments in Imaging Technologies, microLEDs for AR, Photonics Compound Semiconductor. This is the best chance to engage with leading industry analysts and experts at our dynamic and interactive sessions. Be at the heart of progress - join us at the forum and shape the future of photonics technology!

Ticket Price:
1 forum: 195€ Standard Rate / 160€ Early Bird Rate
2 forums: 285€ Standard Rate / 240€ Early Bird Rate
3 forums: 415€ Standard Rate / 350€ Early Bird Rate

Don't wait any longer for the highest level international forums at CIOE.
If you are interested in attending this forum, SAVE THE DATE and enjoy EARLY BIRD PRICE now!
Contact: Ms. Cassie Wang
Email: cassie.wang@cioe.cn

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