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ePIXfab’s China-Europe Forum at CIOE 2021 - Open-access silicon photonics fabrication platforms
Time:September 16, 2021 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Venue:Conference Room, Hall 4
ePIXfab – the European Silicon Photonics Alliance (https://epixfab.eu) is collaborating with the China International Optoelectronic Expo (CIOE) to organize a 3-hour forum on Open-access silicon photonics fabrication platforms. The forum will take place on September 16, 2021, at the 23rd CIOE in Shenzhen. The forum will provide updates on the recent trends, current state-of-the-art, and upcoming developments in open-access silicon photonics technologies. Silicon photonics is a high-index contrast photonic IC technology that leverages the CMOS processing toolsets for the manufacturing of complex photonic functions on highly miniaturized chips at low cost irrespective of the manufacturing volume. The open-access silicon photonics technologies have a high technology readiness level. The open-access technologies act as a mature breeding platform for the next generation of innovations by fabless companies. The low barriers to access along with fast turnaround times enable fabless companies to do their new product development in an agile manner. A technology that was primarily driven by optical communication at short and long reach has started enabling cutting-edge solutions for sensing, medical diagnostics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, quantum computing, etc. Open-access silicon photonics technology is evolving at a rapid pace with new features. The forum is targeting strategic and technical decision-makers from the industry as well as their R&D staff to bring them on board with the latest developments in the arena of open-access silicon photonics technologies. Preliminary speakers: The forum will include speakers from CUMEC, IMEC, Luceda Photonics, Zhejiang University and others.

Conference agenda

ePIXfab’s China-Europe Forum at CIOE 2021 - Open-access silicon photonics fabrication platforms
13:30-13:40ePIXfab – The European Silicon Photonics Alliance Roel Baets, Professor at Ghent University
15:40-16:00IMEC High-Speed Transceivers & Next-Generation LiDAR SolutionsVincent Zhong, Business Development & Strategic Partnerships Manager, IMEC
14:00-14:10ePIXfab – The European Silicon Photonics Alliance Roel Baets, Professor at Ghent University
14:10-14:30Fabrication platform needed by silicon photonic researchersTao Chu, Professor at Zhejiang University
14:30-14:50Imec integrated photonic technologies and their applications beyond communicationVincent Zhong, Business Development & Strategic Partnerships Manager, IMEC
14:50-15:10CUMEC silicon photonics platform and technologiesJunbo Feng, Director of Silicon Photonics Center, CUMEC
15:10-15:30Tea Break and Networking
15:30-15:50LIGENTEC’s Low loss silicon nitride PICs for key marketsKevin Shen, General Manager, LIGENTEC / XPHOTONICS
15:50-16:10Photonics-SOI engineered substrates: the industrial standard for silicon photonics applicationsMeng Zhang, Field Application Manager, Soitec
16:10-16:30Silicon photonics design and validation based on foundry PDKsRuping Cao, General Manager, Luceda China
16:30-16:50(Hybrid) PIC packaging and the volume scale upRobert Wu, Business Development Manager, PHIX
16:50-17:10PDK and Services of IMECAS Silicon Photonics PlatformLi Zhihua, IMECAS

Guest Introduction

2020 Optoelectronic+ Application Forum

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