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Information and Communication Industry Development Forum

Time:Sep 11-13
Venue:Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center

The all-optical transport network, serving as a crucial link between computing power and applications, has become a key foundation for advancing this new productive force. In scenarios such as AIGC and AI clusters, there is a demonstrated need for large-scale, high-bandwidth, low-latency, and zero-packet loss networking, which in turn drives the internal network development of intelligent computing centers. The underlying optical technology is progressing towards higher speeds such as 1.6T, which poses higher demands on device performance and power consumption. This has led to the upgrade of technologies such as SerDes, silicon photonics, optical chips, DSP, and CPO/NPO/LPO. These technological innovations have not only driven a surge in related demands but also spurred the continuous development and refinement of standards, interfaces, and optical module packaging technologies.

In this new era of intelligence, emerging scenarios and applications are constantly putting forward higher requirements for the bandwidth and latency of information and communication infrastructure. As the cornerstone of network connectivity, high-quality fiber optic networks play an indispensable role in connecting everything. The backbone transport network, as the 'artery' carrying various services and the 'load-bearing wall' of the entire information infrastructure, is self-evidently crucial to optical networking. While the large-scale commercialization of 400G enters a new stage of development, the industry is also actively exploring the forward-looking deployment of 800G. This requires in-depth research and breakthroughs in key technologies such as 200GB+ high baud rate devices and C+L+S multi-band transmission, based on the 400G technology. At the same time, facing the growing demand for data transmission, how to further enhance the fiber optic transmission capacity has become a core issue of current research. In cases where it is difficult to make breakthroughs in other dimensions of fiber optic transmission, multi-core multiplexing technology provides a new direction for enhancing fiber capacity, achieving an order of magnitude increase in system transmission capacity. This represents a significant innovation in the field of fiber optic communication technology and guides the development of the next generation of optical communication technology. Hollow core fiber technology is expected to break through the inherent latency limits and nonlinear Shannon limits of existing single-mode fibers, exerting a comprehensive disruptive impact on fibers, optical devices, optical systems, and optical networks, potentially reshaping the industrial landscape.

Now, the industry is actively promoting the deep integration of all-optical transport networks with the digital and intelligent needs of various industries, exploring innovative application models and strategies for all-optical transport in multiple business scenarios. The new industrialization, which requires 5G, big data, and AI, is all based on a high-speed optical communication foundation. The future of 6G, integrated space-air-ground communication, optical computing, quantum computing, and in-vehicle optical communication is centered around optoelectronic information technology. Looking ahead, optical communication remains one of the key development directions that attract global attention and will continue to lead the innovation and progress of information and communication technology. 

In this context, CIOE is hosting the 2024 Information and Communication Industry Development Forum. The forum will focus on hot topics such as new types of optical transport in the era of computing power, the transition of access networks from gigabit to terabit, optical technology innovation in intelligent computing centers, and integrated chip manufacturing process solutions.


China International Optoelectronic Exposition (CIOE) 

Optical Communication Committee of China Institute of Communications

Consulting Group of Transmission and Access Network of Telecommunication Science and Technology Committee of MIIT

Technology Standard Research Institute of China Academy of Information and Communications Technology


Photonics Society of Chinese Heritage (PSC)                    Optica


China Mobile                   China Telecom                   China Unicom

Media Partner

C114                   Optical Communication PRO